When it comes to social media, there’s a lot of buzz words frequently thrown around. Think, User-Generated-Content (UGC), influencers, boosted post, clickbait, direct messages, traffic, vanity metrics and more. However, one that you need to know about is content pillars.

If you’ve ever struggled to write a post for social media, or you’re feeling uninspired with what to post, content pillars can be a huge help. Sounds simple, right? Well, not entirely. Content pillars are three to five topics or themes that your brand will consistently post about. When you’re finding it hard to write a great social media posts, you can reflect on your content pillars and use one of the themes to guide your content.

For example, at Zest our content pillars include social media tips, behind the scenes, milestones (birthdays, anniversaries, new staff etc.), service promotion and client wins. These content pillars align with our brand values and the aesthetic feel that we want for our social media.

Now, why does your business need content pillars for social media marketing?

  1. Be prepared. Rather than constantly trying to figure out *what* to post about, your content pillars can help you to create a content calendar to cover all the relevant topics for your brand. Having these clear topics to focus on makes it easier for you to strategically plan you content – no more posting on the fly!
  2. Target the right audience. By understanding your topics, you also have a better understanding of who you are talking to. This allows you to develop content that is specifically created to speak to a specific audience – no more guessing who might be interested in your content!).
  3. Free up your time. Constantly developing fresh ideas for social media can be challenging for businesses. However, with great content pillars in place, you know what you’re looking for and what aligns with your content pillars, so you can easily identify relevant topics and new ideas to promote your products and services.

If you’re not currently using content pillars for your social media marketing, give our team a call. We can help develop a social media strategy that works for your business, and gives you clear direction for your social media themes.