So, you’ve got your social media pages up and running, the followers are ticking over and you have great content ideas in mind but you need to get THAT shot, the one that really captures the subject.

Now, don’t be fooled into thinking you need to splash cash on an expensive camera that has more buttons than you know what to do with, you can take beauuutiful photos simply with your iPhone (or Android, sorry iPhone user here).

Lighting is everything

A photo is nothing without good lighting. We are going for natural lighting whenever possible and you know that ‘golden hour’ before the sun goes down? You’re onto a winner if you can capture that lighting!

Awesome backdrops for your image will be something that won’t distract from the subject. Be creative, the audience will never know what’s outside the frame so if you have a nice bench, rug, patch of grass, then go for it! And don’t be afraid to play around with basic editing on your phone. Light rings and light boxes are also a great investment to create ‘gram worthy content.

Ready, STEADY, shoot

In the words of my high school photography teacher – you can make a tripod out of absolutely anything. If you can find a surface – benchtop, floor, car bonnet, your friends back – to lean on while you get the snap, it will steady your hand and give you a super clear shot. Stay very still and get your photo lined up in the middle of the frame. You can even turn grid lines onto your phone to help line up focus point. If you feel like getting extra fancy you can pick up smart phone tripods and mounts that will help you capture a great photo.

Get Creative

Your followers scroll through hundreds of posts a day. If you can create something that will standout, you’re going to capture their attention and interest in your brand. We’re talking angles, backgrounds, focal points. You could try a flat lay – create a story with some products and take a shot birds-eye-view style. You can use mirrors, nature, colored lighting, look up from the bottom, shoot up close or from a distance, just be candid and be fun! Take a note of what styles gain interest and you can recreate the shot with different subjects. And remember, social media is a great place to find inspiration for a funky shot as well.

If you’re bursting with ideas or if you are looking for help on creating Zest-y content – contact us to find out what we can do for your business.